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CISWORLD specializes in crafting custom ERP software tailored to seamlessly integrate all your business processes, enabling efficient, data-driven decision-making. Our focus is on delivering a scalable, bespoke system that offers complete operational visibility, streamlines information flows, and cuts costs. With comprehensive ERP development and support, CISWORLD ensures your business benefits from automation, reduced redundancies, and real-time analytics for strategic decision-making. Our solutions are designed for security, mobile accessibility, and adaptability, empowering your business to thrive in a competitive landscape.


pointing-right-10186826.png We Create Useful ERP Modules

To automate and improve the efficiency of your workflows, we can design the following ERP modules based on your company's demands and budget

  • Accounting and finance

    Accounts payable and receivable tracking, general ledger administration, and billing automation are all aspects of financial planning and analysis.

  • Human resources

    Handling of HR policies and staff, including payroll, attendance, learning, and request management for employees.

  • Production administration

    Scheduling, organizing, and managing production. For product lifecycle management and quality assurance, there may be sub-modules.

  • Sales and marketing

    Functionality for automating customer order management, planning data-driven marketing campaigns, communicating with the customers and getting visibility into the sales dynamics.

  • Supply chain management

    Automation of sourcing and procurement, vendor management, and inventory control.

  • Project management

    Tools for team collaboration, work assignment and tracking, and project planning and monitoring (instant messaging, shared file space, etc.

  • Management of documents

    Document templates, simple document navigation, and central storage of many document kinds.

  • BI and data analysis

    For monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing the performance of every business department, comprehensive data analysis and visualization functionality.

  • Knowledge management

    Knowledge sharing and collaboration features are included in a centralized knowledge repository along with a strong search engine.


pointing-right-10186826.png Easy Access with Multi-Platform ERP

We provide ERP access in any format you require

  • Web application

    Complete in functioning.

  • PC application (optional)

    For specific software components, like planning, that demand a complicated user interface.

  • Mobile application

    Featuring restricted capability for simple data entry and retrieval, workflow-streamlining notifications, and dashboards for quick decision-making.


pointing-right-10186826.png Select Your Option for ERP Development Solutions

  • Creating an ERP system from nothing

    - Enterprise analysis.

    - Software development that is complete.

    - Data movement.

    - Integrations.

    - Quality control.

    - Support upon implementation.

  • Developing an ERP module

    - Architecture, UX and UI design of an ERP module.

    - Module development.

    - QA (manual and automated testing).

    - Maintenance and support.



Unlock unparalleled digital solutions with CIS WORLD .